All products and services by our company, including 21 day Champ Challenge, Private Champ Coaching and/or Champ Products, are for educational and informational purposes only. As stipulated by law, we make no guarantees that you will achieve any specific results from our information because we don’t know you, and we offer no licensed or professional medical, legal, therapeutic, or financial advice in this program. The information contained herein cannot replace or substitute for services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, financial, psychological, or legal matters.
Your level of success in attaining any stated strategies or illustrative results is dependent upon a number of factors including your education, health, skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, goals, love of other humans, and financial situation, to name a few. Because these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success, progress, or any results in any endeavor. You might not make any money, people might not like you, and failure is always a possibility – that’s life so proceed with whatever caution or faith is appropriate for you and always make decisions right for you and your family. Any entrepreneurial endeavor is fraught with risk, Thank God, so be smart and act wisely no matter what we say.
All this is to remind you that you are an independent and powerful adult, confirming that you are least 18 years of age while purchasing this product, so here it is: You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your attendance and use of these materials, you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for any such decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.
Candice’s results and her illustrations are for insight into common best-practices, but her results are not typical as she is a professional with over 10 years experience. You may not achieve any results like hers or any of her students, and on this journey, just like any entrepreneurial endeavor, you might even struggle, los money or take years to accomplish anything, if at all. Such is life. Such is business. So consult your intuition and your professional advisors, proceed with caution and hope anytime you promote anything, and for God’s sake, please enjoy the process since no one knows how it’s all going to turn out.
You should also know Candice is not a huge fan of lawyers, so she made us add this: “I am a regular human, loaded with flaws and capable of annoying anyone just as you are, so I am unworthy of adoration or lame compliance. Question everything I say. Test every strategy, do your own research, always do what is right for you and your family and your future and your dreams. I am simply here to share my experience and create an environment for you to discover best practices and ultimately your own voice and path. Listen to your heart more that n=me or anyone else...and all will be well. The only request I have is for you to be grateful for your life, work hard studying this program, and be kind to one another.”
This program is money back guaranteed for the first 48 hours, after that there is no refunds. By moving forward you agree to all conditions in this disclaimer.
If you have any questions or ever need anything, simply email us at [email protected]